Saturday 4 February 2012

Did you know?

Did you know that giraffes can’t cough
and bluebirds can’t see blue
Did you know that a cow’s only sweat glands’ in its nose,
maybe, that’s why they moo!
Did you know that butterflies taste with their feet,
and insects shiver when they’re cold
Did you know that lobsters have blue blood,
and rats can’t vomit, so I’m told!

Did you know an average iceberg weighs 20 million tons
and only male fireflies can fly,
Did you know astronauts can’t burp in space,
neither can they cry.
The earth’s seas are about 2 miles deep,

and the Atlantic is saltier than the Pacific
Only 1 out of 10 parrots learn to talk,
now that’s a nifty trick.

Who created the house fly that hums in middle F,
or slugs that have 4 noses?
Who created the seas and then parted them,
for the people of Israel led by Moses?
Who created the catfish that are the only animal-
to have an odd number of whiskers?
Who created you and me, with our noses-
that can identify 10 thousand different odours?

Back in November, my Mum asked me to plan "Scout's Own" for a Cub Badge Camp at very short notice. Scout's Own is the Sunday worship/ reflective thing on a Cub or Scout camp- It can a bit like an assembly!

The conversation went something like this:

Me: [answers phone] Hi Mum! you alright?!
Mum: ...[hellos, how are yous, I'm fine, 
         I've been asked to lead Scout's Own this weekend.
        Can you* do it?
*[could I plan something simple for her lead?!]
Me: Oh! I'm fairly busy this week, but er.. yeah?!
        When do you need it for?
Mum: Thursday morning- we're going early!

[It was already Tuesday...
and Wednesday is the day I work til really late!!]
Me: Crumbs! Have you got any ideas?
Mum: No, Whatever you like!!

        I just need to be able to follow and lead it.
Me: [yelp!] Erm, okay?!!!

Maybe I should have said no,

Perhaps I should have insisted on a few ideas or direction,

But as a result of this, I came up with a few ideas and finally decided to focus on a verse in Acts (14: 13) which says, "God made the heaven, the earth, the sea and everything in it".

While gathering up some very cool facts from an app on my phone, I tried to work out how to bring it all together in a fun and engaging way, I never intended to write a poem, but on the Thursday morning, as I was trying to piece the different facts and ideas together, rhythm and rhyme started to flow and connect, so at the very last minute, I somehow had a poem, a quiz, some more facts and bible verses, a song (with actions) and a prayer!

This is the story of how this poem came about.

As a final thought,

Did you know, that a completely blind chameleon will still  take on the colours of it's environment!

Totally amazing! Surely proof of a Maker!

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